
Friday, November 5, 2010


We are going to start heavily focusing on blogging for the St. Luke Youth Group.  I know about all of you like looking at your facebook or whatever you like to do on the computer.  We want to stay focus on the activities and involving each other in the blogging as networking is the key.  Remember God is in control and without him we have nothing!

Saturday, October 23, 2010



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Youth Group


I will print and bring the consent forms for those who are going tomorrow.  Remember to bring your money for Sunday.  I think we may be out of luck, because it is suppose to rain.  I will call six flags and find out in the event it does rain.  I am excited that we have more people joining the youth group.  I have not being posting because I have been extremely busy, but I will be posting more often.

I want everyone in involved in posting their information.  If I don't have everyone in involved then our community cannot grow.  Youth is an important part of growing for God at St. Luke and having fun and fellowshiping is a must in the room or on here!  God bless!  I will see you all tomorrow.  Poster time and please youth come up with ideas for the presentation and flyers.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lily & Monse

Thank you for the shirt size.  We had a really nice turn out yesterday.  Everyone is really getting acclimated to the youth.  We had three new arrivals yesterday and I look forward to seeing them next Wednesday again.  I hope we have made a difference and shown them how we fellowship and enjoy each other as a group.  I have a seminar/class to attend with Therese Frank on Wednesday from 7pm - 9:30pm.  I will only be in the classroom for 1 hr.  Everyone has agreed they want to come at 6 pm  I will be there at 6. 

Thank you everyone for your participation and remember I want to know your ideas and thoughts.  Also, everyone likes the discussions we have at the youth group.  We will continue to do this for everyone.   I love the discussions too.  Everyone has great inputs and asks great questions.  I want everyone in involved in the discussions as it will help us all grow!

Shirt size

So Tatiana told my sister that we needed to post our shirt sizes.
I am a size small.


Sorry my sister and I were unable to attend the meeting yesterday.
We will be there next week.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I am pleased to announce that we exceeded in our endeavor to participate in the World Youth Day.  I will be bringing the consent forms for you to fill out and parents sign.  I look forward to this event.  Also, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your hardwork in making this happen.  God is great and he continues to show it when we love and worship him. 

This week we need to strongly focus getting the posters concurrently, so we can hopefully see our youth grow.  This will be the focus for this week as next week we will focus on presentations and flyers, assuming we have completed the posters this week.  Everyone put their minds together and do some reasearch online too.  I need everyone's participation in this as we want to see many follow us in the footsteps of Christ. 

Thank you all for your help and may God bless you all!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Okay, so my mom got me 3 boxes of Popsicles for tomorrow. Each box has 24 Popsicles so that's.... 72 Popsicles, i think.
Liz, we're gonna need your cooler please(:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So I know why one of our members quit coming and it's kinda sad as to why she stopped.
I'm not going to go into detail about it on here but instead I will discuss this on Friday.

Monday, September 27, 2010

People Who Will Be Attending

Here are the people who have posted there information on the blog to attend the events.


As it stand, we need to raise $110.00 at $27.50 per person with the people we have so far for the World Youth Day.  I am not sure on the event for October 9th, Liz, has to get that information together.


I am with you Monse.  I our group needs to be a little more attentative to our blog.  This is the purpose of the blog.  You may not be an artist, but if you have something in mind that fits online we can use it for our poster.  I like this idea too.  I believe once we start growing in numbers, Monse, people will start blogging more.  I love it that you and Lily blog on here.  We will reirate the importance of blogging. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I feel like no one else is posting stuff on here...
Anyway, I'm TRYING to come up with ideas for that poster thing but sadly, I am not an artist. So I'll try to show y'all my ideas on Wednesday. They're kinda dumb but I'm trying(:
On my own blog, if y'all chose to follow me, I'll try to do a passage from the bible every day or every other day, or when I get a chance. The way I'll do that is that I'll let the Holy Spirit inspire me by opening the bible to a random page and picking a random passage and hopefully I'll find something to talk about on the subject, lol. (I'm doing this cause I'm sposed to be the "spiritual" leader and I don't feel like I'm fulfilling my job very well.) :)

David- My sister and I will both be attending the upcoming events. She's been posting comments on your posts about it but she wasn't sure if that counted as posting it on here.

come on guys! post ideas of what you wanna do in the future (in the youth group), activities, questions, anything!
I don't wanna sound like a pain in the butt, but we gotta make our youth group bigger (and funner) than Holy Family's!

Post Name

Youth group, I still have some youth that has not posted their names on here to attend the activities.  Remember, October is 2nd is the Deadline to post your name that you want to attend the youth Activities.  Do not post an email to me that you will be attending the activities.  You must post on here.  Those who have posted, thank you in advance. 

This Wednesday is the time to shine for getting more youth involved in our youth group.  The guys will post a flyer about the Sunday youth activities and the females will post the youth group for Wednesday.  This is the time to be creative and show your stuff.  If you find something online that looks good, let me know.  Otherwise, if you would rather draw, I am all good with this too. 

The following week we will start presenting for the presentation and flyers to present to CCD youth. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Interesting Article.

So i was reading this article and i found it interesting.
you guys should take a look:

it's about songs on the radio that are the totally opposite of what the bible tells us to do.


When you get this together, Lily.  Post and and lets see what rolls!  I love the idea!  What does everyone think about making a something for the Family Life Center in regards to posting the youth group for new members?  Like a big sign or poster???  I would have to get persmission from the Church and Office, but I wanted to first get everyone's idea? 

I was at the youth activities yesterday and I had two more members join for Sunday and they said many youth may not hear "pay attention in mass" and miss that there is Youth on Wednesday and Sunday.  Let alone, they do not read the bullentin.  One mention since there is CCD clases, if it posted on the wall in the Family Life Center, then this could inspire many youth to come join. 

Also, I am looking for volunteers to spread the word to the Youth on Sundays at CCD classes.  I need one good speaker and two back up people to hand out flyers.  I would love for these volunteers (three of you) to also make the flyer too.  Daniel, Liz, and I can view it and approve this. 

So far, I have two people (Raphael and Monse) who have posted their information on here that they want to attend October 9th and 24th events.  Lily, do not forget to post that you want to attend too. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Project

For my humanities class i have to come up with a project that has to do with my passion!
My passion is church!! I will be doing a scrapbook about church . Not only that but i might be able to a model of the church (like the building ). I'm not so sure how to do it but i'm brainstoming ideas with Monse! Uuuyy i'm so excied!!!!! :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Thanks for posting this, Monse.  Don't forget to tell your sister to post that she would like to attend too.  I was hoping Raphael, Karla, Titiana would post there information, but I hope they will soon.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Rosary and other such things to do....

Okay, the rosary thing. What i told everyone else was that we could make these and put them in the church, like in the little chapel, and in the box for stuff for the marines that's in the church. Here are the websites with instructions and info on that:

ummm i was thinking that we could do something like pray outside an abortion clinic or hospital or something like that on a saturday? Idk.

oh and i would like to go to the FC Dallas Game and World youth day and the baking and the selling and whatever else it is I'm forgetting. :)

Lady Gaga

I'm going to let the youth get involved in this one.  To be honest with you on my opinion, I do not like her music at all.  However, lets see what other people's thought is in this.

Anything you Like

Monse and everyone, you can blog to just about anything you would like on here.  Don't forget to blog the information about the rosary you are wanting to implement.  I did not get to hear that conversation.  Grrrr!   Also everyone can even blog to each other if they want to keep communication flowing with each other.  If you want to ask someone else a question on here, go ahead and do that on here! : )  Remember keep it safe and polite, if you are mad, tell us or anyone else about it, but be courteous.

Oh, everyone do not forget to post on here that you want to participate in the October 9th and 24the event.  If you don't post on here, we will not know who is wanting to go, even though I received a few people's email prior, but we need it posted on here. 


So. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to blog about just yet but i guess i'll have to think of something...
Oh, and I'm not used to this website yet since I'm so used to blogging on tumblr. sorry.
anyway, this is just to let y'all know that I will be using this thing i just haven't thought of anything to post yet... :)

HA! I came up with something!

Haha, so I was sitting here thinking and I was like, what would be something interesting to discuss...? And I couldn't think of anything but I did have a random song stuck in my head. The song was Alejandro by Lady GaGa. And as I was humming and thinking about something to write about, I thought about how sometimes in adoration, I find it hard to concentrate 'cause i have a song, like Alejandro, stuck in my head. Does that happen to anyone else? Or is it just me?

Another thing I would like to talk about, that concerns this song, is the music video. I don't like it. I think it's kind of blasphemous? I don't know if that's the right word, but like when she's putting the rosary in her mouth and dressed like a nun... I think that's a bit too much. Other than that, I love Lady GaGa! Haha(:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coming Events

Youth Group prepare the way!!!!  Time is here to start cooking and get those best dishes rolling!  Remember bake sale begins October 2nd at 5:30pm and October 3rd for the 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm, and 4:30pm masses.  Note:  The events that are taking place are October 9th, the FC Dallas soccer game and October 24th World Youth Day.  I need everyone to post on this blog who will be attending, so the Church, Parents, Daniel, Liz, and I know who all will be attending.

Deadline for registeration for World Youth Day will be October 2, because I need to have everyone registered by October 8th.  If your name is not posted on this blog, you will miss out.  Tickets are $20.00 and food is $7.00.  Tickets for the World Youth Day will be $27.00 per person.  I believe we can raise enough money for this Day and October 2nd too.

Note:  We cannot add your friends to the group, if they are not part of the youth group.  These people will have to pay for their own ticket, if they want to participate.  This is only for the St. Luke Catholic Group.