
Monday, September 20, 2010


When you get this together, Lily.  Post and and lets see what rolls!  I love the idea!  What does everyone think about making a something for the Family Life Center in regards to posting the youth group for new members?  Like a big sign or poster???  I would have to get persmission from the Church and Office, but I wanted to first get everyone's idea? 

I was at the youth activities yesterday and I had two more members join for Sunday and they said many youth may not hear "pay attention in mass" and miss that there is Youth on Wednesday and Sunday.  Let alone, they do not read the bullentin.  One mention since there is CCD clases, if it posted on the wall in the Family Life Center, then this could inspire many youth to come join. 

Also, I am looking for volunteers to spread the word to the Youth on Sundays at CCD classes.  I need one good speaker and two back up people to hand out flyers.  I would love for these volunteers (three of you) to also make the flyer too.  Daniel, Liz, and I can view it and approve this. 

So far, I have two people (Raphael and Monse) who have posted their information on here that they want to attend October 9th and 24th events.  Lily, do not forget to post that you want to attend too.